Homebuilt Electric Motors

Common Winding Schemes

CD-ROM [9N12P]

This is the typical winding used in CD-ROM motors and it's usually terminated Wye (Star).

It is the first winding scheme that many motor builders and rewinders will encounter. It is also the easiest winding to do, since all teeth are wound the same direction, i.e. ABCABCABC.

CD-ROM Winding Scheme - 9N12P Wye (9 Slots 12 Poles Wye)
9N12P (Wye)

dLRK [12N10P & 12N14P]

Here is the most common winding scheme of all, since it is used in the majority of model outrunner motors that are currently being manufactured.

The dLRK scheme is a derivative of the LRK winding scheme, which put outrunner brushless motors on the map.

Connect together: Start A - End C, Start B - End A , Start C - End B.

dLRK (Delta)
dLRK (Delta)

dLRK Evolution [12N10P & 12N14P]

Here is an interesting mutation of the dLRK scheme, no doubt aimed at making termination of the windings easier and neater. It is my favourite for winding 12N14P motors.

Note how the starts and ends of the phases that need to be connected together, exit from the same slots, making the termination process totally fool-proof.

dLRK Evolution (Delta)
dLRK Evolution (Delta)

LRK [12N10P & 12N14P]

This is where the 'brushless revolution' started. The LRK winding scheme will always be remembered as being the 'grandfather' of outrunner brushless motors.

'LRK' is an acronym that comes from the names of the three men who popularized the outrunner motor: Lucas, Retzbach and Küfuss. In 2001 they documented the use of this winding scheme for model airplane motors. And as they say in the classics, 'the rest is history'.

Connect together: Start A - End C, Start B - End A , Start C - End B.

LRK (Delta)
LRK (Delta)